I’m passionate about playing cards and their design. Here, you’ll find a glimpse into my collection of custom decks. From elegant to eccentric, each deck tells its own story. Join me in exploring these creations, where every card is a canvas for imagination.
My store on MakePlayingCards.
“Elementa” is a new card game I’ve designed, drawing inspiration from the traditional Tarot game and the concept of the elements of Wu Xing. For short, it is a version of Briscola where the value of cards is subject to change. You can find the rules here. The cards can be purchased here.

I’ve also drawn a deck of Germini cards (also known as Minchiate fiorentine), a variant of the Tarot cards with a suit of 40 trump cards, that originated in Florence during the XVI century. You can find more information on this website (in Italian). My Germini deck can be purchased here.
I’ve drawn a deck of French-suited playng cards (the ones you use to play Poker, Bridge, Scala 40, Machiavelli, …). You can purchase it here.
If you prefer a simple 40-card Italian-suited deck (e.g. if you want to play Briscola), you can find it here. This is actually a smaller version of the Germini deck.